Unlike my previous monthly looks, in April I went for a much more casual and comfortable look. I still think it's very beautiful, and when I wore it I felt very confident in it, but I can totally...
Usually, for work I do a different looking makeup design. Ever since I fell in love with colourful eyeliners, maybe one year ago or maybe more, I started this "trend" of doing makeup drawings. I do love me...
To be honest, this past month I did not have necessarily an outfit that stood out from the others. Not counting the days I went on a mini-travel, showed in a previous post. Nevertheless, I was able to...
Since I started running, I also started to understand that it's not just running, there is a lot more prepping that we think of. And I'm not even talking about trainning, it's organization and the quite a few...
A baptism is a very tricky event. It's not as formal as a wedding, but it's also not as casual or doesn't have the same environment as a family dinner or a party. It's situated between a serious...