DIY Goals Jar

Hellooo! How are you guys?
I know, I know it's been almost 1 month since I post but I've been so out of my mind, in a good way to be honest, so I decided to take a time just for me and I put the blog a little bit a side. But don't worry, now that I'm on holidays and I have tons of ideas it will be live, at least, one post a week!

For today's post will be something a little bit different, and also something a kind of never done before. Which is, as you can see by the tittle, a DIY! For my "first" time, I kinda wanna to keep it simple so I'm gonna show how to set up your own goals in a funny way, and you can use it as decor as well.


To do this, you only will need a few things. And you probably have at your house so you don't need to buy anything. You will need:
  • Paper
  • A pen
  • Your computer to have some kind of resource, ideas. (Only if you need to)
  • Scissors (which I forgot to put in the pic)
  • A Jar, obviously!
  • And glue or some ribbon (to keep more fancy)

First, you're gonna write down, on your paper, some of your goals, something you really wanna to do but it's a little bit expensive, or something really simple but you still don't get the courage to do it. Because I was out of ideas, a search on the internet some things that we all should do before we die! You can see some of my goals on the image bellow :)

Then, you're gonna cut the paper in lines, strips. After, in my case with the help of my pen I curl all the stips and glued them with tape, but as i said you can tide them with ribbon :)

Lastly, I put all the curly goals into the jar, I put some coins, money inside as well and I closed it! Of course you can decor your jar outside, but as I said I wanna to keep mine simple :) Oh, before I forgot my jar is from Tiger ;)

Before I end this post I just want to tell you how my goals jar works, because it is a little bit different from the ones you see on pinterest, at least, I never saw I actually had this idea. 
So how it works: With all your goals on the jar you are going to start put money on it. Start in summer and end in the summer of the next year! That's when you're going to count the money that you save for your goals and randomly you're gonna take one of your goals off. Then with the money that you have you are going to do what is written on the paper!
It's a little bit hard to explain, but in general I think you understand :) And you keep doing this until there is no paper inside the jar!!!

NOTE: Inside my jar, together with the goals are some inspiration quotes, to keep me motivated *-*

That was it guys! I know it was a little bit short but I just want to return simple and effective :) And not to harsh.

I hope you liked it  c: {Sorry for my bad english, I'm portuguese}

And... See ya on my next post!

Carole xx