Helloooo! How you doin' pretty people? Ok, for today's post I'll be talking, again, about Halloween! But this time is some treats, as you can see by the tittle :p The following sweet that I'm gonna show you...
Boooooooooo! And hey :) ahah Ok guys, I know that this introduction was little bit weird, but I'm gonna start the "Halloween serie"! So, I'm super excited, it's not my favourite holiday but I still love the spirit...
Helloooo! How is school going? A little bit exausting for me, but I'm trying my best, so I'm fine :) Forgeting about that, I'm here with a new post, and to be honest, is something I never thought...
Hellooooo! I know I've been gone for a few days but, sometimes you need a break, so I done that :) And my dad was in town so, I need quality time with him *-* But I'm back...
Helloooo! I hope you're doing fine, particular at school :) As you can see by the previous post I'm always doing small post. I'm doing that just because I want to post when I'm supposed to, but as...
Hellooo! How are you going? Alright, for today's post I'm gonna talk about food. Everyone loves food, right? But I decided to show you healthy food, but still delicious. And I thought doing this post because I'm like...
Helloooooo! I know, I know I didn't post regulary but you can suposed who was the fault, right? Obviously school! But I'm here now, with a special help for you :) Two months ago, probably and you already...